Lip cyst = Lip lump = Mucocele removal surgery

5Mucoceles of the lip usually arise after trauma causing a lip injury where patients have bitten or otherwise damaged their lip. This is due to damage of the salivary duct. It can also happen if you repeatedly bite or suck on your lower lip or cheek. Initially it is worth waiting as they can often rupture and clear up on their own. If nothing helps, they can be removed surgically.
Mucoceles can occasionally return after removal (see link here for more information). If this happens it is a case for a Maxillofacial surgeon as it involves surgery to the underlying salivary gland / duct.
Mucocele surgery starts at £500 for a small Mucocele (price includes consultation discount of £60). The above cyst is larger and would be £575 – £650 to remove. There will be also laboratory investigation cost of £120.

Glossary: Lip cyst = Lip lump = Mucocele = Mucocoele = Oral mucocoele = Mucoid cyst = Mucus cyst = mucoid cyst of the lip = watery cyst = watery lump of the lip = Bite injury
Surgical Glossary: Mucocele surgery = Mucocele removal = Lip lump removal = Lip lump surgery = Lip cyst removal = Lip cyst surgery = Mucus cyst surgery = Bite injury lump surgery