* Prices above do not include laboratory fees and are for guidance only – see price list and individual pages for complete cost clarification.
** This only applies when at least 2 lesions are removed for the 2nd, 3rd. The price for the first lesion is higher. See price list and associated page. In case of many lesions the price can be lowered even further.
The Bourne End Clinic
All procedures are now provided from our new and beautiful purpose built premises, The Bourne End Clinic. Please click here for more information. All our removals are done by doctors and all are carried out under Local Anaesthetic.
Minor Surgery @ The Bourne End Clinic
Below, Leanne talks about our new clinic and what you can expect before you choose us as a provider.
Rarer Skin Surgical Problems
Aside from the above problems in the pictures, Thames Valley Surgical Services provides Minor Surgery for other skin problems. We do not limit our procedures to those described above, but Dr Kittel, who has 25 years of surgical experience, will assess each case on its merits. Please enquire even if you have been turned down elsewhere.
Lead time to appointments
Lead times are quite low at present: For a consultation is 3 days and for surgery a further 1-2 weeks. If you are happy to wait that period of time to see Dr Kittel, please Contact Dr Kittel’s secretary directly on 07973 663355. You can also text us on the same number and we will call back. Or email us on office@tvvs.uk to give you a ring and within business hours we will respond within minutes. Leave a voicemail out of hours.
Initial Paperwork for Minor Surgery
Before you even see us we will send you a number of documents and forms that you can complete online and that will save directly in your medical record:
- A Welcome email with a lot of information
- An email with a link for the Application Form
- An email with a link for the Pre-consent Form
- Where requested / appropriate an email with a receipt for any payment
We ask you to complete both forms prior to Minor Surgery. Application Form: Dr Kittel understands what you want doing, has a good idea about your problem and knows your medical history. Pre-consent form: This consists of a number of informative statements. You can either tick “I understand and agree” (statements you dont want to discuss further) or if you are not sure you tick “Please discuss this further” (statements you want to discuss further). Your signature does not mean you agree or are obliged to go ahead with surgery, but it means you have given all statements good consideration.
Consultation for a Clinical Minor Surgery Assessment with Diagnosis and Quote
Dr M Kittel will meet you personally for a clinical assessment of your problem and give a diagnosis wherever possible. Appointment times for consultations are usually in the afternoon or evening. He will talk you through the options and if there are a number of different ones clearly explain the advantages and disadvantages and guide you while you are free to choose. The final consent form will then be signed in clinic prior to minor surgery. If possible and desirable, this appointment will directly be followed by a booking and aftercare appointment with our senior nurse.
Please watch the video below before the clinical assessment so you come prepared and we can answer your questions better.
Following the appointment we will calculate the exact cost and send you an email with a quote within 3 working days. Prices are likely to be very close to the ones in the price guide. Cost will substantially reduce if more than one skin lesion is removed in one session.
When comparing our quote with other providers, please ensure they include the cost of lab fees into their quote. Treat providers with suspicion that do not offer a laboratory evaluation of your lesion.
Further information:
- We do not usually do surgery on the same day of the consultation. You need to sleep over the clinical information given to you. We do not offer a walk in model as we do not believe in its integrity.
- You can book an appointment with the senior nurse on the same day. She will then also talk about the aftercare, but you do not have to. You can also wait to first receive the quotation.
- If you book an appointment on the same day of the clinical assessment we will hold it for 48 hrs. If you agree with the quotation sent to you and find it follows your assumptions from the cost section of this website you’ll usually (unless it is very last minute) just pay a 30% downpayment and secure the appointment. If you do not contact us we will automatically cancel the appointment for you. We may or may not send you a reminder.
- There is absolutely no “sales pressure”. Dr Kittel may sometimes try to persuade you not to have surgery. He will be very open about the pros and cons of surgery. If anything he will try to “under promise and over deliver”. He will very clearly outline the specific risks to you. We are clinicians and while we have to run a successful private business we like to sell through integrity and information, never through pressure.
- Please do not just look at headline prices, but ensure you spend time to understand our pricing structure. We have spent more time than any other provider you find on the internet to be reasonably clear about pricing.
- Dr Kittel does not do medical work during the weekend to re-gain his strength, so no, we do not offer weekend appointments.
Worried about a Minor Surgery procedure?
If you worried please read this website thoroughly. You will want to know about Painfree Skin Surgery and the nature of your skin lesion. Furthermore, please have a look at Contraindications to (Cosmetic) Minor Surgery (i.e. when not to carry it out)
Payment policy
All payment is in advance. We use really tight policies to keep prices low. We ask you to pay for your consultation at the time of booking. We also ask for a downpayment of 30% for surgery at the time of booking. We will then send you a final payment link a week before your surgery date. Our policy for non-attendance and late cancellations are tight. Please ensure you are fully aware and informed.
We dont see why we should have to increase our prices and you as a
patient having to subsidise other patients running late, cancelling last
minute, half empty clinics etc. In order you do not miss an appointment
it is very important to check all correspondence from us, particularly
appointment confirmation emails / SMS and the reminder SMS / email 2
days before your appointment to ensure what is in your diary is in line
with what is in our diary.
Please read the sections below really carefully to understand our efficient, transparent and economical approaches:
As you can see on this website we are not a big corporate, but we
want to give you a “family feel”. With us you book an “economy class”
experience, that is very friendly and safe. We will provide good quality
surgery with an excellent surgeon and a lovely team, but less
flexibility. No plush seats. No premium coffee. If you want to have a
“Business Class” experience, book at the Spire and pay more. Treat our
service like an economy flight. If you arrive late at an airport the
plane is gone. So arrive early or book a hotel if you come from far away
as you would for a holiday. And traffic can be busy around Maidenhead,
just like around Heathrow airport.
Normal, healthy individuals without chronic conditions or reduced immune response are safe to attend Minor Surgery if they have a viral illness including a cough, cold, sore throat whatever the cause. Causes can include RSV (respiratory syncithial virus) or COVID as long as you have no fever. Please wear a face mask when you attend to avoid infecting others. If you have a fever or had a fever in the 24 hrs before surgery it is not safe to attend, but we cannot insure you for this event (as this would mean we would have to increase our overall fees for everyone). We will however give a partial refund if you supply us with an official letter by a UK GP confirming a high temperature or other sickness. If in doubt about attending, please phone us.
Payment policy
All payment is in advance. We use really tight policies to keep prices low. We ask you to pay for your consultation at the time of booking. We also ask for a downpayment of 30% for surgery at the time of booking. We will then send you a final payment link a week before your surgery date. Our policy for non-attendance and late cancellations are tight. Please ensure you are fully aware and informed.
We dont see why we should have to increase our prices and you as a
patient having to subsidise other patients running late, cancelling last
minute, half empty clinics etc. In order you do not miss an appointment
it is very important to check all correspondence from us, particularly
appointment confirmation emails / SMS and the reminder SMS / email 2
days before your appointment to ensure what is in your diary is in line
with what is in our diary.
Please read the sections below really carefully to understand our efficient, transparent and economical approaches:
As you can see on this website we are not a big corporate, but we
want to give you a “family feel”. With us you book an “economy class”
experience, that is very friendly and safe. We will provide good quality
surgery with an excellent surgeon and a lovely team, but less
flexibility. No plush seats. No premium coffee. If you want to have a
“Business Class” experience, book at the Spire and pay more. Treat our
service like an economy flight. If you arrive late at an airport the
plane is gone. So arrive early or book a hotel if you come from far away
as you would for a holiday. And traffic can be busy around Maidenhead,
just like around Heathrow airport.
Normal, healthy individuals without chronic conditions or reduced immune response are safe to attend Minor Surgery if they have a viral illness including a cough, cold, sore throat whatever the cause. Causes can include RSV (respiratory syncithial virus) or COVID as long as you have no fever. Please wear a face mask when you attend to avoid infecting others. If you have a fever or had a fever in the 24 hrs before surgery it is not safe to attend, but we cannot insure you for this event (as this would mean we would have to increase our overall fees for everyone). We will however give a partial refund if you supply us with an official letter by a UK GP confirming a high temperature or other sickness. If in doubt about attending, please phone us.
We are unlikely to treat the following patient groups or conditions:
- Children (unable to consent to cosmetic surgery)
- Viral warts and verrucas (lack of success)
- Most lesions on hand and feet (hand and foot surgeons)
- Plastic surgery required (Plastic surgeon).
- Hospital admission required (needs a private hospital with beds)
- General Anaesthetic required (needs a hospital with an anaesthetist and an intensive care unit).
- Poorly controlled diabetics (need to improve their HbA1c above 69)
- Patients on Dual Therapy (two blood thinners at the same time): You either wait to have one blood thinner stopped, usually after a year, or need a hospital admission
- NHS patients (we do not have NHS funding for the above procedures)
Vasectomies: For our vasectomy service go to https://vasectomy.me.uk
For patients who have used our services previously: Please be aware that your appointment is in Bourne End at our new state-of-the-art facility called The Bourne End Clinic. The old Maidenhead Location is no longer being used.
Leadership at Thames Valley Surgical Services