Learn below how TVVS is different from other services

At TVSS we endeavour for a partnership with excellent service and good quality at a reasonable cost. We invite you for a consultation first and then provide a detailed quote, so you can make a decision. We are a close knit, small and happy team. We aim to provide transparent prices, quality and patient satisfaction higher than many other UK providers. Read here for our patient satisfaction data over the last years. And read here for individual patient stories.
Start the booking process
Book an appointment, online or over the phone, for an assessment at the clinic or a telephone appointment. Please be aware we require the completion of an application and pre-consent form prior to the consultation and would like you to watch the consultation preparation video.
Please be aware, that we only can start working, when you have filled out the online application and pre-consent form. You also need to attach a good photograph.
Have a look at the transparent TVSS payment structure here. Generally, we charge hundreds, not thousands of pounds.
Some providers offer a same day service. They may lure you in with low headline figures in terms of their prices and when you are with them you may feel pressured to accept a significantly higher quote. At TVVS you get a detailed quotation before you agree to anything. This quotation will be sent to you and it will not be presented in front of you, so you can make up your mind in private and without pressure. And it will always closely resemble what we outline on our pricelist. And at the same time you will be provided with a qualified medical opinion. Dr Kittel has sent thousands of patients away over the years with better advice and treatment. He has done hundreds of skin cancer referrals, because patients came with skin lesions better seen elsewhere. When he has had his consultation with you he insists you should sleep over the information provided and then make a decision unless there is an emergency situation.
TVSS pricing structure
TVSS consultations are £60, but they are discounted from your quote if you book within 1 month after the quote has been sent by us (email date).
Surgery: Charging Structure is here.
Tip: The more removals you book during a single session, the lower the per item price. Note, we can usually remove a maximum of i.e. 20 Lipomas during one session due to a variety of factors including the amount of Local Anaesthetic given at any one time.
Suture removal: This is not included and usually costs £35, but we can support DIY removal and provide suture removal kits for free. Also, many GP surgeries remove sutures for free.
Follow up visits for examination, phonecalls, support after the procedure: Free (included in initial charge) within reason, unless needs of patient excessive or mainly psychological.
UK private health insurances rarely cover Minor Surgery.
Please be aware do not directly deal with any UK based Private Insurance. Why?
Most UK based private insurances do not cover procedures classed mainly as cosmetic. International insurances differ in that they often include such procedures.
We can send you a standard invoice for any work carried out via email. This service is specifically designed for patients without private insurance or where the insurance does not cover cosmetic Minor Surgical Procedures.
You will get an automated invoice via email upon request for free. We can provide detailed or bespoke invoices for £20-£50 per invoice depending on the time taken, alterations made etc.
Finally a few words of caution:
It is not always easy to be absolutely clear about a skin lesion through a picture. If we are not sure we may have to ask you to come for a consultation first.
We will carry out any diagnosis and surgery with great care and if we do not believe we offer the best service for your problem we will tell you so. If Dr Kittel cannot remove a lesion himself he will advise you about the most appropriate alternative option.
If we have any doubt about a skin lesion being cancerous during the consultation we will give you sound advice on how to proceed, but not do the surgery ourselves.
Although Dr Kittel is qualified to treat certain skin cancers he chooses not to treat skin cancers himself. He believes skin cancers should be treated in different settings. If we believe there is a chance of skin cancer of 3% or greater we will not treat you in a community setting (in accordance with NICE guidelines), but will recommend an urgent NHS referral within 2 weeks.
If he cuts out a lesion that looks benign and it turns out to be cancer you may need further treatment. Skin lesions are sent to a reputable lab for analysis.
Furthermore, we would like you to read the section on Contraindications to Cosmetic Minor Surgery
* “Skin lesion” is the general description of any Mole, Lipoma, Cyst, Tag etc.
For our vasectomy service, click here
When you call TVVS you speak either to a trained administrator or even a nurse. The person on duty will hold the office phone 07973 663355. We are a friendly close knit team of 1 doctor, 4 nurses and 2 administrators. You will not speak to a switchboard or call centre. At the moment Dr Kittel, a GP with special interest in Minor Surgery, carries out all the work himself. Dr Kittel has extensive experience in Minor Surgery for over 20 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I went to my local Spire hospital and the quote was so much higher. Why are you so much cheaper?
A: We are a fully CQC registered high quality service. But we are a small knit team and do not have to pay the middle man or shareholders. We are in simple, but adequate premises. You do not get plush seats and Costa Coffee. Dr Kittel is a GP and does not attract Plastic Surgeons fees, but he has extensive experience in Minor Surgery.
Q: Why do you charge for the consultations, other services are free?
A: When you use a free service you usually see a nurse, often an untrained and unqualified Health Care Assistant. When you receive the quote then you will often be astonished as it is much higher than you anticipated, because they have to a) put all the patients that attend and dont go ahead and book as costs onto the patients that do book and b) They cannot exactly assess how much time it will take, so they overbook time with the surgeon.
Dr Kittel used to run a free consultation service, but a lot of patients just tested the waters and did not book. This drove up our costs and we had to charge more for our procedures. This was not fair.
Dr Kittel insists in seeing every patient himself and your quote will be exactly what it says on our website. And if you book within a month we will take the cost of the consultation off your quote.
Q: Why are your consultations so much cheaper than a private hospital?
A: It is correct a private hospital will charge you about £200-250 for a consultation and about 5-10 times that amount for the procedure. Our consultation price is held low and affordable at £60. You will also find we are very organised in giving you a lot of information beforehand with a number of online forms etc to avoid “tickboxing” during the consultation. Thats why our cost is lower.
Q: Who should not attend TVSS?
A: A few examples, but this is not exhaustive:
- If you are highly anxious about your procedure you may need a General Anaesthetic, which we cannot provide, you have to go to a hospital with an Anaesthetist and an Intensive Care unit. This will add significant cost.
- If it is complex plastic surgery, you need to see a Plastic Surgeon. We do not do major, but only Minor Surgery.
- If you are a model or actress / actor or a newsreader and work with your face you need to see a plastic surgeon.
- If you have many questions and concerns about your procedure you better see a plastic surgeon for a much more in-depth conversation about all options. Our service is more designed for patients, that want something removing and are quite sure about it and it does not involve major surgery and they do understand that surgical excisions usually leave a scar (often less so in the face, but more elsewhere).
- If you are severely depressed: Patients with severe depression do not usually have outcomes which are as good as others, there is strong evidence for this and satisfaction rates tend to be lower.
- If its not on the website: The chances are higher we cannot do it, but happy to do a consultation. At most you loose £60 and we will consider every case.
- If its skin cancer: Go to your GP, get a 2 week wait referral and see a dermatololist as soon as possible. Dr Kittel is not accredited for the treatment of skin cancer. If we inadvertantly remove a skin cancer we will get you back and discuss next steps.
*Partnership working @ TVSS:
Please note our services are discretionary not compulsory. Our patient – doctor – staff relationship is very important to us and highly regarded. A good relationship between all sides is paramount to a happy patient. We strive for patients to be content, feel well-treated and respected when they receive our services. Our clinicians should be happy to provide the treatments and feel safe. Our office staff should feel respected by patients.
Patients can make a decision after their consultation on whether to go ahead with the procedure. We reserve the same right for ourselves. Occasionally if we feel uncomfortable to provide a service to a patient we may not do so. Depending on the work carried out we always give an explanation and partial or full refund to such patients. This will usually happen if we perceive a patient is not happy with the way we provide the service, not ready to take the risks of a procedure, expectations are too high and we think they may be unreasonable, high risk of disappointment, their quote or our staff feel harrassed or bullied or just believe the patient is unhappy or angry when talking to us.
Fortunately, this is rarely the case, but a doctor-patient relationship should never start on a bad footing. We hope you will agree.