Find below clear, honest and transparent advice on our pricing structure

Introduction to the TVSS Price Guide
See our up-to-date Price Guide for 2025 below. It is very important you read the price guide carefully, as skin surgery is complex and not all lesions can be priced the same. However, we have tried to include most situations below and you should be able to get a pretty good idea of the cost. Please note, returning patients get the consultation with Dr Kittel for free. This also includes previous vasectomy patients, that paid for the procedure themselves. We are taking great care to try to ensure prices are updated regularly. We aim for 99% of our prices to be correct. Occasionally we may forget to update a price, so please let us know when it happens.
Click here to pay for an appointment online.
Transparent affordable pricing is our mission
We are trying to be cost-competitive without impairing the quality of the work completed. TVSS is trying to reduce the cost of community Minor Surgery and be as transparent as possible. You will find few if any other providers that offer the same degree of transparency. You are unlikely to get significantly lower prices elsewhere. To be transparent and avoid misunderstandings we need you to read and understand the information below in detail.
Please read the first three explanatory sections under “General Pricing Information” below. Also be aware a consultation at TVVS is held very low at £60. In fact you get a qualified doctor to give you a medical opinion as well as a comprehensive evaluation of the options for your removal.
Learn more about our Cancellation and appointment re-scheduling policy.
General Pricing Information
How to read pricing information
We display prices on this page in the following format:
£285 / £235 / £75
- The first figure (£285) is for the first lesion removed
- The second figure (£235) means the £60 consultation fee has been removed from the price. We apply this reduction if you book your surgery within 1 month of the consultation. The second price is aways accurate for returning customers as they do not pay for the consultation, but still get a £60 discount when they book. See more under “consultation”
- The third figure (£75) is for the removal of the second and all further lesions. The third figure also applies for different lesions (i.e. your first lesion may be a cyst, the second one a Lipoma, except for fixed price lesions)
The first figure contains our “standard charge” of £210. This charge contains all the fixed costs for the company and we charge our patient only once per visit. It includes record keeping for 10 years, office costs, insurance, CQC, materials and much much more. The standard charge will be worked into your very first quote. If you have multiple lesions removed it will never apply again during the same visit and only the third price will be applies for lesion 2, 3, 4, …. etc. For more information go to the next section.
How TVVS keeps prices down
Historically, we used to give free consultation appointments. 80% of patients never booked. This made it more expensive for everyone else. Now we charge for the consultations and take them off the final price for patients going ahead with a booking for surgery. This means we can keep prices lower for people who are serious and want a procedure done.
Our philosophy: Surgery is expensive enough. Dont make it more expensive by….
- Cost increasing because clinics are half empty – we run a tight ship with slot after slot.
- Cost increasing because of high non-attendance rates – we have a really tight cancellation & re-booking policy.
- Cost for others increasing by patients not arriving on time: We cannot re-imburse patients because of traffic or other mishaps. If you miss your slot you loose your money. Its like missing your plane, because you dont arrive at the airport in time. Others cant subsidise patients who are running late. You are paying us a similar amount like the cost of a flight. Please arrive with a similar safety margin similar to going on a holiday.
- Cost increasing by lots of administration and payment chasing – We ask you to settle the bill before, not after your procedure.
- Cost increasing by having a receptionist – we use the general reception of the building – this means we cannot process payments, but we can pass our savings on to you.
- Sitting down with the surgeon tickboxing all sorts of information – we ask you to complete most forms required at home and save them into your medical record.
- Our assessment appointments are swift and to the point, but you will usually be with us for approximately 20-30 minutes and see the doctor and a senior nurse.
If you don’t like payment in advance and need the flexibility of changing appointments last minute, want extended chats with the surgeon, we recommend you go to one of the many plush private hospitals like the Spire. They will charge you 3-4 times what we charge just like a business class flight will be 3-4 times more expensive than an economy flight. At private hospitals you may have more flexibility you can settle the bill afterwards. They have incredible amounts of patience in sending you payment reminders etc. If you like lower cost, our business principles and our clinical team and agree with our Ts & Cs, please come to us. And since we have moved to our new modern and friendly premises in Bourne End our coffee is now as good as in any private hospital and so is the quality of the facility. We are determine to provide a premium experience at a reduced cost.
General principles of price calculation (read this carefully, please)
Fees quoted are for the actual surgery, doctor and nurse time, theatre time, materials and any follow up required, but not for suture removal. You can take off a discount of £60 for the consultation from the quoted fee above if you book within 4 weeks of quotation.
Fixed price surgery vs bespoke pricing
Fixed price surgery
There are many types of surgery we offer fixed prices for, because they are simple and rarely cause any problems. Examples are Lipomas on Arms and legs, abdomen, lower back, Xanthelasmas (cholesterol deposits on eyes), earlobe repairs, small skin tag removals, milia removals, wart removals, mole cut outs on body of a small mole (5mm and less), shave excisions body and usually also face, but not breasts. We price even larger lesions on the body extremely competitively.
Bespoke Pricing
Other lesions are more difficult and require more time, bespoke pricing and sometimes referral to a colleague (not always). Generally, we are significantly less expensive than private hospitals and I often say to patients we “charge hundreds, not thousands”.
Examples are face based deeper lesions like Forehead Lipomas or deep Face Cysts. Lesions on the nose, breasts, deep lesions in the armpits, lesions on hands and feet (hand / foot surgeon often required), sometimes lesions on the shin. Deep lesions on the upper back are often quite challenging, especially large cyst. And giant Lipomas are also more expensive.
Why is it cheaper when I have more surgery?
The first lesion price contains a lot of the fixed costs the clinic has in
welcoming you as a patient. We have to create a full patient record,
keep it for 6-10 years, set you up for surgery, do your anaesthetic,
write your operation report, pay for insurance, pay our overheads, pay
for CQC etc etc. Subsequent lesions take significantly less time as
you are already with us. This standard charge is £210 and included in
the first lesion you remove with us. All other lesions are then charged
at the third price in the row.
And finally…
Even we don’t always get it right. If there are any inconsistencies on this website or on your quote, please let us know. But if the quote follows what it says on this page, then it is correct and a professional fee we cannot divert from.
Why is it cheaper to have more lesions removed?
Please be aware the quotes below do not contain the cost of laboratory examination which is often not necessary in Lipomas.
The first lesion is commonly 2-3 times more expensive than any further lesion removed in the same session. This is due to the fact that we have to calculate significant change over and documentation time. We have to pay for theatre costs, staff, insurance and keep every record for 6-10 years. There are many more associated costs.
The second, third and 4th lesion can be done straight afterwards and therefore the price is lower. An example is a Lipoma on the arm or leg.
How we calculate the price fo your quote (example of 5 Lipomas on your arms)
Typically a first Lipoma on your arm costs £310. Take the consultation discount off, £250 remains. Every further Lipoma on arms is typically only £100. This is based of a simple arm Lipoma (up to 4cm).
Example: Price for the removal of 5 Lipomas (without labs, your choice)
Thus, if we remove 5 Lipomas the average cost per Lipoma drops to £250+£100+£100+£100+£100 =£650*. Divide it by 5 Lipomas and you pay £130 per Lipoma (without lab costs).
*If the Lipomas are sent to the laborary then the additional lab costs as outlined under the lab section apply
Specific Pricing Information
A clinical assessment for suitability of Minor Surgery
We want to provide you with a proper clinical assessment and also ensure you are advised about your condition and the options for the treatment. Therefore our assessment is always with a doctor, not a nurse or assistant, and usually with the surgeon treating you. The definition of a returning customer is one that had surgery or a self-pay vasectomy with us, before.
Price of assessment £60 / Free
The cost for a clinical assessment is £60. We deduct the price of the assessment from the price of the final surgical procedure if the procedure is booked and paid for within 4 weeks of the assessment (the actual date of the procedure can be in the future). Returning patients get one free assessment and still get the £60 discount, essentially saving every time they return for more surgery. However, the discount does not apply for returning Xanthelasma treatments within 3 months from the first treatment as they are already discounted by 50%. The discount also does not apply for patients requiring Cortisone injections.
Unfortunately, we experience frequent No Shows for free-of-charge appointments or reviews. Please be aware the value of the appointment, even if it is provided for free, is still £60. Therefore, if a free appointment is not attended the usual charge for no shows of £30 is charged prior to the next appointment.
Please watch the video below prior to your assessment to be well prepared when you attend. Also ensure you complete and understand fully the application and pre-consent form and following the appointment read the pre-surgical preparation form we will send to you.
If we cannot go ahead
If we cannot go ahead we will explain why and if possible signpost you to another service. We will provide a short email for the colleague receiving the referral. The email will go to you.
If we are not sure its benign
If we are not sure that a lesion could be cancerous we will provide an email for your GP recommending a 2 week wait referral to an NHS colleague or recommend a private colleague or specialty you should urgently contact like a dermatologist.
Inadvertent removal of a malignant tumour
At times a lesion we remove may inadvertently turn out to be cancerous. If this is the case we will also have an in-depth discussion with you about next steps, provide an email, attempt to contact your GP if at all possible via email / telephone and provide a letter and a copy your lab results.
If your lump requires diagnostics
Sometimes we have to base the decision to go ahead on the results of an ultrasound scan. We have a fixed price agreement with the Bridge Clinic in Maidenhead and will refer you for a scan for £285. If you require other diagnostics, we will provide an email for your GP
When a dermatological opinion is helpful
Occasionally, we will recommend you see a dermatology colleague for an opinion prior to removal of a mole. The cost of this is in the region of £200. If he confirms the lesion is benign we remove it, if not, he will refer you appropriately to cancer specialist services.
If a private prescription for medication is required
We may provide a free private prescriptions where required for surgery (i.e. antibiotics before surgery) or as part of the aftercare. Where a private prescription is not in preparation for surgery there is usually a prescription fee of £39 and £19 for any alterations required. Prescriptions are made via our online service Cloud Rx or via token that can be cashed at Tescos or Lloyds pharmacies and the cost for the private prescription including the shipping has to be borne by the patient. However the prescription is rarely expensive and often just the cost of an NHS prescription plus shipping. If follow up appointments are required for the monitoring of a condition they are at least £60 or more depending on time required. Unfortunately, we cannot supply prescriptions for controlled drugs i.e. strong painkillers like Tramadol, Morphines etc.
Additional Services at additional cost
Additional consultation or repeat prescription required: £60. This would apply if a patient has not booked within 3 months and did not go ahead with any surgery following a previous consultation. In this case a patient will be treated like a new patient. Also, additional medical consultations, for example for repeat prescriptions and new assessments are £60 for a short consultation and £120 for a longer more thorough assessment and consultation. Finally there is a £30 no show charge for consultations.
Non-electronic services
Translation services for consultation / surgery
Examinations in the laboratory
Laboratory examinations are necessary for all skin lesions under best practice guidance and due to clinical governance regulations.. As part of shared decision making we can negotiate this where the clinical case is overwhelming or patient choice is paramount. Lab costs for the first skin lesion removed are £120. All further lesions removed only cost £60. As you can see, like with our own services, there is a huge discount if more than one lesion is sent to the lab. Finally, if we decide together that we believe a laboratory investigation not to be necessary you will need to sign a disclaimer. Only occasionally the lab will charge more or additional costs. We will then ask you for the extra cost and give you a reason later.
You want removing a larger number of lesions – discounts.
We offer “timed” appointments for shave excision and electrodessication only. This supports patients with a larger number of warts, milia, skin tags, campbell-de-morgan spots and similar. It would be too expensive to charge for single lesions, thus we give you a minimum lesion removal guarantee and often remove very significantly more within the time given depending on patient complicance and anxiety.
This offer does not apply for any lesion requiring excision or repair. These lesions are always individually priced. Individual pricing also applies for anything that has to go to the laboratory.
Costings for Lipomas without lab costs (mostly not required) and suture removals
Fixed price Lipomas
- Uncomplicated (muliple) Lipomas on arms under 4cm are £310 / £250 / £100.
- Uncomplicated (multiple) Lipomas on thighs under 4cm are £335 / £275 / £125
- Lipomas on upper / mid back, scalp and buttocks under 3cm are at least £460 / £400 / £250
- Lipomas on the lower-mid back under 3cm are £410 / £350 / £200
- Lipomas on chest, abdomen under 3cm are £360 / £300 / £150
Please note 3cm means the palpable (what you can feel) diameter, not the visible diameter (which is often the “tip of the iceberg”.
Bespoke Price Lipomas
- Large / very large Lipomas 5-15cm are usually between £500 and £900 and occasionally more. The largest Lipoma this clinic removed was 3kg.
- Forehead Lipomas tend to be £500-£800
- Shoulder Lipomas are usually between £500-£800
- Lower leg and knee “Lipomas” are often not Lipomas and may need a scan, but I will examine them beforehand.
Costings of cysts including lab costs but without suture removal
All cysts require to be sent off to the lab as 1 in 10 “cysts” turn out to be different usually benign tumours of other origin sometimes requiring regular follow up. You should avoid a service not sending your cyst to the lab, even if it is cheaper.
Finally, please note that the cyst size of deep cysts does not represent what you see on the surface (“tip of the iceberg”), but the actual inside size on palpation (feeling the cyst).
Fixed price cysts
- Cautery of very small milia type surface cysts i.e. face or scrotum are £310 / £250 / £100. We cannot send them off to the lab after cauterisation.
- Small surface cysts anywhere or usually deeper cysts on arms and legs (1cm or less) are typically £410 / £350 / £200. This does not include laboratory costs, please check for fees in the lab section.*
- Scalp cysts up to 1cm are usually £385 / £325 / £175 and 2cm-3cm are £435 / £375 / £225. Larger cysts may require a scan and are priced bespoke, typically £500-£900. This does not include laboratory costs, please check for fees in the lab section.*
- Body cysts are rarer and more complex. Typically a small body cyst up to 1cm is £410, 2-3cm is £435-£560 and larger cysts are bespoke priced typically £500-£800. This does not include laboratory costs, please check for fees in the lab section.*
- Please note revision surgery (cyst has re-grown) of any cyst requires a wider excision to ensure it is completely removed on this occasion and therefore may be more expensive.
Bespoke price cysts usually £500-£900 (may also require scan)
- Deep cysts in the face
- Deep cysts in the neck
- Cysts of the upper back (deep) and larger cysts generally and particularly on the upper back.
We are always fair and transparent and we base prices mainly on time it takes to carefully remove your lesion.
*Please check in the section above about laboratory costs.
Costings of skin tag removal without laboratory cost*. These are shave excisions.
Very small (1-2mm) skin tags on neck or body cost £285 / £225 / £35.
Face skin tags are usually £285 / £225 / £75, rarely more than that depending on complexity.
Large skin tags require full excisions, particularly where you can feel a body to the tag under the skin. In this case you require a full excision and suturing. This should usually be between £310 / £250 / £100 and £410 / £350 / £200.
If a skin tag has to sent to the laboratory, please check above for pricing information.
Cost of Xanthelasma Removal: £335 / £275* / £75
Option 1: Electrodessication = Microcautery of Xanthelasma
The cost of removal for Fatty Cholesterol Deposits around the eye (Xanthelasma) starts at £275* for one eyelid and £75 for every further eyelid, regardless of the size of the Xanthelasma.
Furthermore, if you need a second or third treatment within 3 months of the first treatment we will provide this at 50% of the initial cost (i.e. say you had 2 Xanthelasmas for £350, you will pay £175 for a second treatment).
Option 2: Full surgical removal of Xanthelasma:
Full cutouts are priced at £495 for the first Xanthelasma (up to 2cm) and £295 for every further Xanthelasma. There are no discounts for further procedures because any further procedure is due to the natural re-occurence of Cholesterol in a new different area (which was not cut out). Please note that this procedure is usually only recommended if there is a degree of laxity in the skin of the eyelid i.e. patients over the age of 45. Xanthelasma stitches are very small and therefore harder to remove (not impossible). Stitch removal is therefore included in this price. However, we can, for the brave, also give you a free stitch removal kit or if you live far away your GP nurse may be able to help.
* Price with consultation discount of £60 applied already
Moles are common. Shave excisions are almost always £285/ £225 / £75 which excludes laboratory costs. If there are multiple moles we can sometimes go as low as £50 or lower per mole. When they require full excision it takes significantly longer and adds approximately £50-£100 to the above quoted price per mole. Very large moles cost more.
*Moles should be sent to the lab. For lab costs please refer to the laboratory section.
Face moles are common. Shave excisions are around £335 / £275 / £125 which excludes laboratory costs. If they are . Very occasionally when they are larger they require full excision and this may add £100 and £150 at most. If there are multiple and smaller moles we may charge less i.e. £75 per mole.
*Please refer to the Laboratory section for lab costs.
Seborrhoeic Wart Removal
Removing Seborrhoeic Warts is usually easy and straightforward. On the body a 1cm wart will be £260 / £200 / £50. A 3cm wart would be £360 / £300 / £150. Warts in the face and on the breast or other delicate areas may be a little more, usually not more than £50 extra. This excludes laboratory costs.
* Laboratory investigations can often be avoided, particularly where multiple warts are involved. If there is a single wart or the examination is not completely clear labs are recommended at the usual rates.
Milia Removal
Very small 1mm milia are inexpensive to remove and the first one is £285 / £225 / £75 for up to 3 milia. Larger milia (2-4mm) present like little cysts and you may have to add £50 to £125 to the cost. Very large milia cysts may need an excision and suturing and this would attract the same pricing structure as displayed under “cysts”
Cherry angiomas – Campbell de Morgan spots.
These usually respond well to Microcautery and we remove them inexpensively, usually as an add on during a clinic. The price starts at £35 for 1-2mm spots and only more if they are larger. If they require shave excision please look under mole prices.
Spider veins in the face and on the nose (not on body)
They respond well to treatment with Microcautery and can be added on (to other treatments) between £35 and £50 per spider vein. Again, if this is the first removal it is likely to cost £175-£200 after consultation discount.
Other rarer lesions
Just contact us for a consultation and we can give advice on what can be done.
Unless quoted otherwise or already part of your quote suture / stitch removal with TVSS is a simple £35. We can also provide you with a free suture removal kit and instructions at the time of surgery or you can contact your GP for suture removal.
If you need a clinical review after surgery we will do this for free, particularly if this is due to side effects or issues arising from the surgery as we do want you to be happy. In the rare case further surgery is required, this is also free. However, this only applies to the early stages of surgery as, depending on what you have removed, there is a small (i.e. Lipoma Cyst) or a large (i.e. Xanthelasma) chance a lesion could re-cur. These chances will be discussed in your assessment appointment.
However, customers sometimes do not turn up for review appointments, because they are free, which wastes time. We may ask for a re-booking free of £30.
We provide Cortisone injections for a variety of conditions including hypertrophic scars, joint pain and more. Please note, prices for cortisone injections do not receive a £60 consultation discount. The price for an injection is between £150 for a joint injection and £195 for more complex hypertrophic scar injections (3 injections for £495).
For vasectomy pricing click here