Any other review appointment with tvvs

Have a review appointment with TVVS – here is what to do

Whether or not it is for suture removal or a side effects review or any other reasons, here is what to do:

  • Most patients are now reviewed in Bourne End. All Minor Surgery and private vasectomy patients are reviewed in Bourne End. NHS vasectomy reviews by Dr Kittel are done in Bourne End. Only NHS vasectomy reviews by Dr Nicholls are still done in St Marks in Maidenhead until 15/3/2024
  • Please arrive with plenty of time to spare (unless the appointment is for a webinar or a telephone consultation). If you have a telephone consultation we usually call you +/- 20 minutes of the appointment time.
  • Allow more time if you have a long journey and be aware there is lots of local building and construction going on.
  • For directions to the Bourne End Clinic click here and for parking at The Bourne End Clinic click here


Bourne End:

Please just walk in and take a seat. Ring the bell if the front door is locked.

St Marks:

  • Upon arrival please take a seat in outpatients reception waiting area B. Partners can join you.
  • Please note there is not always a receptionist at St Marks Hospital. If the doors are closed, wait in your car.
  • In any case, text (SMS) your arrival to the clinic phone 07973 663311 (including your location) i.e. “I am in reception” or “I am waiting in my car”.
  • Do not call as calls divert to the office.
  • The phone will usually send you an auto responder so you know we have received your message. If not, walk in anyhow and take a seat in waiting area B.