Very responsive, helpful service

“Very helpful indeed. Had a consultation in less than a week, then the procedure was five days later

Feedback by patient DD about a procedure with Dr Kittel on 11/12/2019. For other recent feedback please click here

How easy was it to book an appointment with our office 5 – Very Easy
How good was our office in booking your appointment, communicating and explaining questions you may have had 5 – Very Good
How long did you have to wait for your surgery (irrespective of some patients choice to wait longer, when was the first possible appointment offered to you) < = less | > = more | w = weeks 5 – < 6 w
If you have a disability, was this dealt with professionally and according to your needs? 0 – I do not have a disablity
Please write below anything you would like to mention or say about your experience BEFORE the procedure
Very helpful indeed. Had a consultation in less than a week, then the procedure was five days later
Did Dr Kittel ensure you understood the procedure, alternative and side effects (this may have happened at a previous appointment) 5 – Very Good
Did Dr Kittel listen to your concerns and if applicable try to alleviate your fears. 5 – Very Good
Was the environment friendly and warm and the experience positive for you as a patient 5 – Very positive
During the operation, were Dr Kittel and the nurse caring, involve you and explained things as they were happening? 5 – Very good
Please write below anything you would like to mention or say about your experience DURING the procedure
I had every confidence in the procedure
Did the nurse adequately explain the aftercare instructions and answer questions you may have had? 5 – Very Good
Please write below anything you would like to mention or say about your experience AFTER the procedure
Was the surgery easy and straightforward 3 – OK
How do you rate our service overall 5 – Very Good
Would you recommend our service to a friend 1 – Yes
Anything we could improve?
Any other comment / praise?